Wednesday 4 January 2012

Things I would put in Room 101

Ever watch that BBC TV show called Room 101? Previously hosted by Nick Hancock and Paul Merton? Where celebrities put their pet hates in Room 101 in which they utterly despise. I'm not a celebrity but I also have pet hates and here are some of the things I would put in Room 101.....

1:- The Jeremy Kyle Show

What happens when you give a narcissist, self righteous wanker his own daytime show?....

Helping others while helping himself! A nice bloke indeed!
The Jeremy Kyle Show happens...

From hosting on a radio show (Century FM?) to hosting the most popular daytime show in the UK (And across the US). 

The reason why I utterly despise this show is because    the way Jeremy Kyle is extremely judgemental towards his guests. The way he talks down to them like they are pieces of shit on the heel of his boot. Sure you do get some right scumbags as guests on his show such as a man with 5 kids with 4 other women he is cheating on to some father who abandoned his kids 20 years ago and wanting to be involved in his kids lives again but the bigger scumbag is just......Jeremy....

The problem I have with this show is that there are guests who are willing to solve their problems but shine a light on the problem with the British National public watching them. The last thing family problems need is millions of people interfeering by peering at them and having some self righteous tosser expressing his opinions in the most vicious way. Isn't that what social services are there for? To solve family problems?

And I also glared at one episode on Youtube of Jeremy Kyle confronting someone who was unemployed and sponging off the government. I immediately LOL because ironically, that's most of his audience! (Some of his viewers being Midwives and Single mums). And what's most scary about this show is that when people watch his show and watch it often, they turn into judgemental narcissist wankers like Jeremy.

As Jeremy Kyle likes to say, there are two sides to every story. Well the story of Jeremy Kyle is that one side he is helping others solving family problems and relationships held by a string but the other is he's helping himself becoming more popular by being a judgemental twat to his guests.

2:- Jim Davidson

It's not that he is racist (Well it is) it's just that he is not very funny at all and at most quite annoying...

A comedian well past his sell by date
I first knew of Jim Davidson when I was a kid watching Big Break (A gameshow about snooker which I was looking forward to on Saturday Nights). but as I got older watching him in Hell's Kitchen having a feud with Brian Dowling over his shirtlifter comment, I came to despise the man.

He tries very hard to be funny by being as politically incorrect as he can in his jokes and it's just extremely dull and unfunny and only painting himself to be a right cunt.

His humor to me is like rotten milk, out of date and very sour.

Some of his fans like to whinge and whine saying "If you don't like Jim Davidson, then fuck off and don't watch him!"   Bit late for that since I already watched him! Now can I express how I despise the man please? Thank you......

3:- American Police

Bullied at school? Wanting to become a complete jackoff to other people? Over Zealous for power? Then the LAPD is for you!
Sean Penn as Officer McGavin in "Colors"
Ah yes! Most American police you see in movies where they interrogate suspects in the most brutal fashion that the script writes. Where they go gung ho blazing in a crack den shooting down criminals! Tango and Cash! Riggs and Murtough! John McClane! Yippie Kai Yay Motherfucker!

But in real life, most of them are just fat, rude, doughnut shoving, over zealous boils of society who thinks they can push around people coz they have a badge and a gun. I'm sure there are a good few apples in there who geniunely joined the police force to serve the public trust and put his life on the line to save lives from bad people but it is as rare as getting a Charizard in a pack of pokemon cards these days. The bad ones demands respect as a robber demands money. The good ones earns respect as a hard worker earns a pay check but earning is too hard for these dickheads these days (Along with criminals)....

To me, it's just gangsters impersonating police officers shoving people around on what they think is "their turf" but rather they are shoving people around who pay their wages (The taxpayers).......

4:- Mirror's Edge

I'm pretty much sure everyone was amazed with the graphics and the ability to jump from one building to another but to me, this is one of the games which was extremely disappointing to me....

If only we could all do this in real life......
It looked to me like a first person shooter and I was looking forward to having the acrobatic abilities as Batman and Spiderman all the while wielding guns and shooting down enemies etc....

But the objective of the game is to not shoot the enemies but to away from them and all the while being chased by choppers and AMERICAN POLICE!

The plot is that you're one of these runners (An acrobatic courier) who deliver package while being watched by this government and being chased by cops and choppers and you have to get from point A to point B all the while trying to pull off stunts which you constantly fail and have to do over and over again by dying over and over again by falling down due to the fact the controls are extremely hard to do.

Obtaining guns is extremely hard as you have to do karate moves to nick one off a cop in which you need to time right otherwise you're dead. Eventually you do but you can't keep it (Apart from a Colt 45). and when you handle two handed weapons such as a shotgun and a sniper rifle, you slow down and unable to run or jump.

A true disappointment to me and a waste of money and in fact the bastard child of first person shooters. Makes me want to trade it for Gears of War god forbid........

5:- WWE 2005 +

Want to become a WWE Wrestler? Then fuck off to drama school or kill yourself doing backyard wrestling....

Get the "F" out! Yes John Cena. They
are talking to you.....
I used to love wrestling as a kid it was all about title matches, hell in a cell, royal rumble and wrestlers trash talking saying "I want my title back, I challenge you to a match at Wrestlemania!"

As the year progressed on as I got older, it became more like script writing and comedy gimmicks and wrestlers shouting "I want my wife back! I challenge you to a match at Wrestlemania!"

Wrestling isn't all about soap operas on how your boss is being a douchebag coz he wants to fire you or your girlfriend dating your rivalry, it's all about two guy or more in a ring beating the crap out of each other and gushing out blood. If I wanted drama, I would watch Poirot or Prisoner Cell Block H. They've literally turned the ring into a theatre stage.

One thing I found unforgiveable on what the WWE has done is turn Goldust from a bizarre mysterious superstar into a buffering clown with poor homosexual jokes.

I will occasionally watch the WWE only if the Undertaker is in a match or a championship match that looks potential to develop some interest and whoooooo!s (Rik Flair) but what has happened? Where did it all go downhill that made me lose interest? And why make it PG-13 for fuck sake?

It seems watching dumb American teenagers re-enacting moves on Youtube videos and hurting themselves like the idiots like they are is more entertaining then watching the WWE nowadays.....

6:- Blackpool

Ah Blackpool! Remember the good old days where you spend the weekend in the 1960's?

Now it is a dull rusty carcass next to the sea which has a reputation for being unclean and unfit to swim in. It is truly a depressing place to be.

Holiday makers and residents nowadays are typically nightclub people who get highly drunk and pissed and make the nightlife in Blackpool utterly depressing and dangerous. Imagine having your head kicked in on holiday? (Unless you're touring in Brazil)

It is a dying mare with horse tenders constantly trying to revive with million pounds projects trying to revive their economy by making it a tourist attraction again with the whole promenade being rebuilt and re constructing the Blackpool Tower but it is just a town which needs to die off.....and I was born there!....

Monday 2 January 2012

Does the National Defense Authorization Act Fiscal Year of 2012 REALLY gives the military powers to detain you indefinately.....FOREVER?!?!?!

There are rumors flying around about the controversial bill called the National Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal 2012 about one section (Specifically section 1021 and 1022) of the bill allowing the military to detain American citizens without trial for as long as they want. There are already laws in the UK that allows the government to detain terrorist suspects for 28 days (Previously 3 months).

The bill has many pages and is indeed an extremely long read containing many sections and subtitles.

I've been pondering for the semantics of Sections 1021 and 1022 and this is what I found

    No amounts authorized to be appropriated by this Act may be obligated or expended to place a Maritime Prepositioning Ship squadron, or any component thereof, on reduced operating status until the later of the following:
      (1) The date on which the Commandant of the Marine Corps submits to the congressional defense committees a report setting forth an assessment of the impact on military readiness of the plans of the Navy for placing such Maritime Prepositioning Ship squadron, or component thereof, on reduced operating status.
      (2) The date on which the Chief of Naval Operations submits to the congressional defense committees a report that--
        (A) describes the plans of the Navy for placing such Maritime Prepositioning Ship squadron, or component thereof, on reduced operating status; and
        (B) sets forth comments of the Chief of Naval Operations on the assessment described in paragraph (1).
      (3) The date on which the Secretary of Defense certifies to the congressional defense committees that the risks to readiness of placing such Maritime Prepositioning squadron, or component thereof, on reduced operating status are acceptable."

    Section 1011(c)(2) of the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (Public Law 109-364; 120 Stat. 2374) is amended by striking `shall require' and all that follows and inserting `may, notwithstanding paragraph (1), demilitarize the vessel in preparation for the transfer.'."

There is no evidence in these sections that suggests that the military has the power to detain US citizens as suspected terrorist suspects. Either someone has jumped the gun and didn't liked what they saw or obviously, someone is lying......

These quotes were taken from this website where they have published the bill:-

If there is indeed another website out there that publishes the bill where they have the sections where it says that the US military has the power to indefinately detain American citizens as terrorist suspects, then please point it out to me....

Sunday 1 January 2012

My Opinion on the Occupy Wall Street movement.....

For the past three months, Americans gathered around wall street to protest against economic injustice and inequality. Their movement is of course inspired by the Egyptian movement back in Jan/Feb 2011 where they protested against Mubarak and the corrupted government. In result, Mubarak resigned and was sent to be tried along with his sons over allegations of corruption and accused of conspiracy of murdering peaceful protesters. The movement have grown from Wall Street to international (Around the world).

During those three months, these protesters faced police brutality, court order to remove themselves from places they are occupying and they had the media slag them off (Fox News and the rest of Murdoch's cocksucker corporate media companies).They also heard praise from propaganda news corporations like Russia Today and The Young Turks.

But  in my honest opinion, in a few months from now, the occupy movement will wither and die and here in my opinion why:-

They are an International movement so big but yet they are unorganized. So far I have seen NO ONE attempt to take the stand as leader of the Occupy movement. Unorganized groups such as this are most prone to withering and dying and are most prone to confusing people they are trying to appeal to as such a big organization that is unorganized can split into sub groups like bacteria and multiply.

And they split into sub groups carrying the same banner but different agendas and why they think the US economy is fucked up and who is to blame. One sub group will blame the rich, the other the banks and the corporations and one sub group (For fuck sake) blames the Jews. (In which Fox News capitalized on and generalized the movement as Anti-Semetic).

If the organization splits then it's no longer the 99%. It split to 44.5%, then 22.25%, then 11.125% etc etc and so forth. Such a big organization splits into a tiny minority having the right agendas flooded with the wrongs. Individually, all these agendas will die out eventually and the blame will be among themselves and each other.

Don't get me wrong. I know you people are extremely fed up with the recession and having you or your friends and members of your families be laid off work because of companies going bust because of the recession. But I really can't lend my support to a organization that is so unorganized. I really have no idea what your agendas are and what are your policies. It's very easy to point the finger and blame the rich, the bankers, the corporations and (For Fuck sake) the Jews. Investigating on who is to blame is the hard part.

If you want my support, stop pointing fingers saying "He is the one to blame!" or "It's all your fault!" and do some investigation work on who is to blame, band together and choose a leader. Have him or her represent you all and discuss with your leader the agendas and your policies. Discuss on how you can encourage people to join your cause and most of all, for fuck sakes......

Don't press your hope of revolution and change on god forbid.....

His policies sounds reasonable enough
but always remember that politicians lie!
 Most of you fell for it when Obama promised you change!


You can only make change happen by making an impact, not hope for other people to do it for you!.....

2012 Whoopie Fucking Doo!

Welcome to 2012! The year we all been waiting for! The year the world is going to end and the year where our everyday lives are gonna be even more miserable by the powers that be with their SOPA Act (Stop Online Piracy Act), the collapse of the Euro and the US General Elections whenever I bet they are gonna vote back in that evil bastard Obama.....

So anyways, it's about time I got back on the horse on blogspot and type in blogs like the grumpy old bastard I am.....

cheerio fer now lads!

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