Sunday 1 January 2012

My Opinion on the Occupy Wall Street movement.....

For the past three months, Americans gathered around wall street to protest against economic injustice and inequality. Their movement is of course inspired by the Egyptian movement back in Jan/Feb 2011 where they protested against Mubarak and the corrupted government. In result, Mubarak resigned and was sent to be tried along with his sons over allegations of corruption and accused of conspiracy of murdering peaceful protesters. The movement have grown from Wall Street to international (Around the world).

During those three months, these protesters faced police brutality, court order to remove themselves from places they are occupying and they had the media slag them off (Fox News and the rest of Murdoch's cocksucker corporate media companies).They also heard praise from propaganda news corporations like Russia Today and The Young Turks.

But  in my honest opinion, in a few months from now, the occupy movement will wither and die and here in my opinion why:-

They are an International movement so big but yet they are unorganized. So far I have seen NO ONE attempt to take the stand as leader of the Occupy movement. Unorganized groups such as this are most prone to withering and dying and are most prone to confusing people they are trying to appeal to as such a big organization that is unorganized can split into sub groups like bacteria and multiply.

And they split into sub groups carrying the same banner but different agendas and why they think the US economy is fucked up and who is to blame. One sub group will blame the rich, the other the banks and the corporations and one sub group (For fuck sake) blames the Jews. (In which Fox News capitalized on and generalized the movement as Anti-Semetic).

If the organization splits then it's no longer the 99%. It split to 44.5%, then 22.25%, then 11.125% etc etc and so forth. Such a big organization splits into a tiny minority having the right agendas flooded with the wrongs. Individually, all these agendas will die out eventually and the blame will be among themselves and each other.

Don't get me wrong. I know you people are extremely fed up with the recession and having you or your friends and members of your families be laid off work because of companies going bust because of the recession. But I really can't lend my support to a organization that is so unorganized. I really have no idea what your agendas are and what are your policies. It's very easy to point the finger and blame the rich, the bankers, the corporations and (For Fuck sake) the Jews. Investigating on who is to blame is the hard part.

If you want my support, stop pointing fingers saying "He is the one to blame!" or "It's all your fault!" and do some investigation work on who is to blame, band together and choose a leader. Have him or her represent you all and discuss with your leader the agendas and your policies. Discuss on how you can encourage people to join your cause and most of all, for fuck sakes......

Don't press your hope of revolution and change on god forbid.....

His policies sounds reasonable enough
but always remember that politicians lie!
 Most of you fell for it when Obama promised you change!


You can only make change happen by making an impact, not hope for other people to do it for you!.....

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