Friday 2 September 2011

Brett Keane takes credit for shit he didn't do

So Brett Keane my slimeball scumbag friend. Come to take credit for something you didn't do huh? So Coughlan owes YOU a $1000 does he and you are trying to take credit for drama that's happened a year ago?......

I thought you were an asshole exploiting your family problems to milk off money from gullible people so you can buy Xbox games and sit on your ass playing WoW....


I was just on skype when a couple of my friends found this video on the coward's BlipTV. I'll link it for you guys here and do not worry, I've recorded his video off bliptv in case he become even more of a slimeball and deletes the video.......

The scumbag's video can be found here

HE deleted the last one so here it is on twitvid :-

If he does delete his video on CowardTV, I'll upload it on youtube......and there is no point filing false copyright claims on it BK or false flagging it.......

In addition to proving that Keane is a billy bullshitter:-

Video addressed to me and NOT to brett keane:-

Nice that you take credit for other people's work just to get at coughlan and even goes so far as to kick him in the balls bringing up the whole peach thing......

You're an asshole and I feel sorry for your family for living with such an asshole such as yourself....

Tuesday 7 June 2011

LiarPoliticians Censored by bogus copyright claims

It's happened once again to one YT user called LiarPoliticians. Previously, he had false DMCAs filed on his channel and had his account suspended but after disputing the claims on YT, he got his channel back.

Now it has happened again by 2 entertainment companies....

One is Revolver Entertainment:-

The other is UMG (Universal Music Group)

Since his topic is exposing the lies the politicians do, it's no surprise some people will go to lengths to shut someone up exposing one's lies. I know it happened to me once (The good old CassiusPlejarenAlien days)

Or it may be that someone got pissed at one of his video of exposing on what their favorite politician has done and see's filing false DMCAs as committing vigilantism injunction.......

Whoever it was, they best pray they don't get caught. Or it won't just be liarpoliticains filing a lawsuit

This is his link to his channel:- Please lend him your support

Friday 3 June 2011

Simon Cowell wastes police time by bitching and whining over allegations....

An anonymous blogger (I didn't do it) has made claims that Britain Got Talent is fixed. In result of that, Simon Cowell (Best known for fixing shows like the X Factor and American Idol) got his pants in a twist and called the police (Scotland Yard to be precise who handles terrorist cases).

I also can't believe that Scotland Yard is considering the case. It's a waste of time. Simon Cowell is just being a drama queen! It's like investigating on who made that fake porno site of Thunderf00t!

Isn't it our right to express our own opinions on the internet? Free speech is also listening to stuff YOU don't want to listen to. But to go and call the police over someone expressing their own opinions is going too far.

Simon Cowell you are an idiot. You plagued our TVs with your talentless crap. Your shows are collasping and the papers are ripping apart your shows. Why don't you end this madness, take your crap shows and fuck off from Saturday night TV....


Thursday 2 June 2011

Birmingham Council forfeit thousands of jobs to India

So.....despite the fact that we are in a recession with millions unemployed, thousand of British jobs could be forfeited to India.

So if you folks who have been unemployed for years are looking for a reason why you are unemployed when the tories are whinging and whining about how it's YOUR fault you are unemployed (Like they have done in the past), mention the fact that they denied thousands work and giving them to India and tell them to watch this clip.

I know India is a third world country and it needs all the help it can get but can we do that all the while NOT turning Great Britain into a third world country? We must solve our problems first including the problem on how we are going to create jobs and boost the economy to influence new businesses. (New businesses = more jobs)

Of know what happens when the government give these jobs to foreign countries? There are always going to be parties like the BNP (British National Party) to capitalize on the working class's frustration and gain votes and influence. The party with a leader who wants Britain to be mostly white people and less ethnicity...(Nick Griffin). And parties like UKIP who wants to scrap the humans right act of 1998 JUST because criminals have been given the right to vote. (Which means if UKIP scrapped the human rights act, ALL not just prisoners won't be protected from torture, false imprisonment....)

I would plead with the tories to focus on our own problems but they have rather been pissing me off lately with their VAT rise, Student fee rise, public sector cuts and police cuts........

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Idiot mistakes anti racist for racist

While I was at the Liverpool gathering on Saturday afternoon, the EDL (English Defence League) held a demonstration in my town (Blackpool). I come back home to see what has been happening and thought I spread the news to my subscribers in which some of them do keep up with the news on what the English Defence League are doing. So I decided to mirror a video from my local newspaper (The Gazette) and post it on youtube.

A couple of Youtubers was making stupid comments onto the comment section. One was making accusation that Charlene's mother killed her and the other responded to him with a racist comment. So I posted a comment on my comment section

 "Please refrain from racist comments and stupid accusations everyone....."

After posting a comment some idiot called me a fucktard spamhead cunt.....

 "@MrSoprano0125 Yeah, save the racism and stupid accusation for when you're out of the public eye, eh? Fucktard spamhead scum."

  The guy who posted that comment is actually the same guy who was dumb enough to email DlandonCole with an email account showing his workplace, home address, contact detail etc. (In fact DlandonCole was talking about him at the Liverpool Gathering with me and PaulCHartley). He posted this email to DlandonCole...

 "I wouldn't come within a million fucking miles of your warmongering neocon Zionist gathering, you sack of fucking SHIT. ROT IN HELL, you fat lump of neonazi lard!! Fuck your war! Fuck your troops! Fuck your Zionist jew "atheist" hatemongering pal Thunderfoot - the neonazi shill. Fuck your Special Relationship! Now go and stick your tongue up Obama's arsehole, you stinking piece of SHIT!! And thank your lucky stars I'm not coming to Liverpool, you gutless, snivelling, warmongering hate-purveying yankee-loving apology for a human being!! You're a fat talentless friendless CUNT!!!!"

The person who made these dumb comments is named MoscowMaestro. 
You can pretty much see the stupidity yourselves by clicking this link

Since this idiot wants to accuse me of being an EDL stooge. I'll be sure to ask Dlandon his contact detail so me and Moscow can have....a proper dialogue with each other.....

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