Wednesday 1 June 2011

Idiot mistakes anti racist for racist

While I was at the Liverpool gathering on Saturday afternoon, the EDL (English Defence League) held a demonstration in my town (Blackpool). I come back home to see what has been happening and thought I spread the news to my subscribers in which some of them do keep up with the news on what the English Defence League are doing. So I decided to mirror a video from my local newspaper (The Gazette) and post it on youtube.

A couple of Youtubers was making stupid comments onto the comment section. One was making accusation that Charlene's mother killed her and the other responded to him with a racist comment. So I posted a comment on my comment section

 "Please refrain from racist comments and stupid accusations everyone....."

After posting a comment some idiot called me a fucktard spamhead cunt.....

 "@MrSoprano0125 Yeah, save the racism and stupid accusation for when you're out of the public eye, eh? Fucktard spamhead scum."

  The guy who posted that comment is actually the same guy who was dumb enough to email DlandonCole with an email account showing his workplace, home address, contact detail etc. (In fact DlandonCole was talking about him at the Liverpool Gathering with me and PaulCHartley). He posted this email to DlandonCole...

 "I wouldn't come within a million fucking miles of your warmongering neocon Zionist gathering, you sack of fucking SHIT. ROT IN HELL, you fat lump of neonazi lard!! Fuck your war! Fuck your troops! Fuck your Zionist jew "atheist" hatemongering pal Thunderfoot - the neonazi shill. Fuck your Special Relationship! Now go and stick your tongue up Obama's arsehole, you stinking piece of SHIT!! And thank your lucky stars I'm not coming to Liverpool, you gutless, snivelling, warmongering hate-purveying yankee-loving apology for a human being!! You're a fat talentless friendless CUNT!!!!"

The person who made these dumb comments is named MoscowMaestro. 
You can pretty much see the stupidity yourselves by clicking this link

Since this idiot wants to accuse me of being an EDL stooge. I'll be sure to ask Dlandon his contact detail so me and Moscow can have....a proper dialogue with each other.....

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