Friday 3 June 2011

Simon Cowell wastes police time by bitching and whining over allegations....

An anonymous blogger (I didn't do it) has made claims that Britain Got Talent is fixed. In result of that, Simon Cowell (Best known for fixing shows like the X Factor and American Idol) got his pants in a twist and called the police (Scotland Yard to be precise who handles terrorist cases).

I also can't believe that Scotland Yard is considering the case. It's a waste of time. Simon Cowell is just being a drama queen! It's like investigating on who made that fake porno site of Thunderf00t!

Isn't it our right to express our own opinions on the internet? Free speech is also listening to stuff YOU don't want to listen to. But to go and call the police over someone expressing their own opinions is going too far.

Simon Cowell you are an idiot. You plagued our TVs with your talentless crap. Your shows are collasping and the papers are ripping apart your shows. Why don't you end this madness, take your crap shows and fuck off from Saturday night TV....


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