Thursday 2 June 2011

Birmingham Council forfeit thousands of jobs to India

So.....despite the fact that we are in a recession with millions unemployed, thousand of British jobs could be forfeited to India.

So if you folks who have been unemployed for years are looking for a reason why you are unemployed when the tories are whinging and whining about how it's YOUR fault you are unemployed (Like they have done in the past), mention the fact that they denied thousands work and giving them to India and tell them to watch this clip.

I know India is a third world country and it needs all the help it can get but can we do that all the while NOT turning Great Britain into a third world country? We must solve our problems first including the problem on how we are going to create jobs and boost the economy to influence new businesses. (New businesses = more jobs)

Of know what happens when the government give these jobs to foreign countries? There are always going to be parties like the BNP (British National Party) to capitalize on the working class's frustration and gain votes and influence. The party with a leader who wants Britain to be mostly white people and less ethnicity...(Nick Griffin). And parties like UKIP who wants to scrap the humans right act of 1998 JUST because criminals have been given the right to vote. (Which means if UKIP scrapped the human rights act, ALL not just prisoners won't be protected from torture, false imprisonment....)

I would plead with the tories to focus on our own problems but they have rather been pissing me off lately with their VAT rise, Student fee rise, public sector cuts and police cuts........

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